PotD: Making Waves on Lake Titicaca

Sony A7RII : f/11@1000th : ISO 200 : EV -1.0 : FE 35mm f/1.4
The trouble with being part of a tour is that you have little control over your schedule and, in effect, over the light, which is why I found myself at ‘La Isla del Sol’ in the midday sun. Nobody’s fault but my own. I’d decided I needed to get to Cusco for the New Year, which meant that I now only had a half day stopover in and around Lake Titicaca on the way from La Paz to Cusco with Bolivia Hop. Same as most others, I took a boat to ‘La Isla del Sol’ from Copacabana, was dropped off at one side of the island and had an hour to walk to the pickup point at the main harbour.
I took this photo at one of the higher points of the island, looking out across the water of Lake Titicaca to the mountains in the background. What makes the photo interesting is the boat. Without it, it would just be another relatively okay landscape, nothing to write home about. The graphic lines of the trail left by the boat’s wake allowed me to frame the image in the way that I did, the empty space now there for a reason and adding a story to the image that would not have been there otherwise. It’s not a clever image, it’s just simply pleasing. Space, travel, going places, the beauty of the world, all in balance…
There was quite a lot of new build going on on the island. When we were back on the bus and heading away from Lake Titicaca that evening, the light was truly spectacular. My suggestion to fellow travellers would be to find out about staying on the island, whether it’s worthwhile to slow down for a bit and see time pass by at a gentler pace. Not having done so myself, I cannot say. All I know is that, once again, I was sad to be rushing off to the next destination.
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