PotD: A Coke sign is hard to miss

Sony A7RII : f/14@1000th : ISO 800 : EV 0.0 : FE 55mm f/1.8
From my childhood memories growing up in Lima and now to my current South America trip, I’ve been aware that the coke sign has always played a very visible part in everyday life. I’m not sure if South America just appears to have more Coca-cola references than other continents but their logo seemed to be jumping out at me far more frequently than I’m used to elsewhere. Take this sign here, easily the largest sign in the busiest part of Copacabana on the shore of Lake Titicaca, surrounded by bars and cafes full of tourists waiting for their boat ride to the Isla del Sol. And the colours of the blue sky and the neon green shack made the scene jump out at you and burn its message across your cortex, certainly enough for me to stop and take a photo of it.
Since I was often eating out on my travels, I noticed that ordering a large bottle of a fizzy drink was very common for tables of two or more. I wonder if it’s true or just another one of those traveller’s myths that this became the norm because it was cheaper and safer to drink these liquids than to drink the local water. I reckon that the pleasure of the sugar rush may have had a part to play too!
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