Photo of the Day: Existential Angst

Sony A7RII : f11@800th : ISO 640 : EV +0.7 : FE 55mm f/1.8
I took this photo on the day of my 50th Birthday. I suppose I could have gone for a more joyous shot to celebrate the big day, but I felt that this conveyed rather well the existential angst that surrounds reaching a new decade.
My way of dealing with the beyond-midlife crisis was to take a 60 day sabbatical, one day for each year, plus 10 extra days for good behaviour, and disappear off to South America. I started my present to myself in Buenos Aires, the city of my birth, on the 25th November. I’ve been down to Patagonia, across into Chile, Xmased in the Salar de Uyuni in Bolivia, visited ´’La Isla del Sol’ on Lake Titicaca, New Yeared in Cusco, and am now in the far north of Peru on a beach called Máncora. Next is Lima, where I grew up as a young boy, then back to Buenos Aires. I feel I’ve weaved some new ‘songlines’ into the fabric that makes up the rich tapestry of my life. All is well in my world, the walkabout must come to an end soon… And I’m vey much looking forward to seeing my family again!
Update: I forgot to mention that I also ended up in A&E on my birthday having my head stitched back together after a surfing accident with someone else’s board. I have a graphic video taken by my surf instructor of the actual stitching process but I’ll spare you that. Note to self, learning how to surf when you reach 50 may not be a sign of wisdom.

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