Photo of the Day: Boat Stop

Sony A7RII : f6.3@250th : ISO 125 : EV 0.0 : FE 55mm f/1.8
When you’re waiting for a bus, it’s called a bus stop. When you’re waiting for a boat, it must be called a boat stop, no? This was taken halfway between Bariloche in Argentina and Puerto Varas in Chile. It is a rather impressive journey, with tall mountains on either side. You can do a similar route by bus, but I thought I’d spoil myself a little and go for the softer, more luxurious option of a boat journey (with a couple of short bus rides to connect the lakes).
Technically, there isn’t much that makes this shot difficult. Sometimes it’s good just to shoot what you see and let the shot take care of itself. A casual observer, with camera, sitting on the dock of the… lake, that’s me!
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