Tag:Colca Canyon


Arequipa and the Colca Canyon Rush

After a great five days in Cusco, I headed a little further south to Arequipa, the capital of Peru for a brief period in the mid 19th century, and still regarded by many of its inhabitants as the country’s cultural centre. Being the birthplace of Mario Vargas Llosa, winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2010, helps to re-inforce their gleeful claim to moral and cultural superiority over the coastal den of iniquity that is Lima. I found myself staying at a […]

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Colca Canyon

PotD: Obvious to some

Sony A7RII : f/7.1@500th : ISO 100 : EV -0.7 : FE 90mm f/2.8 You’d think that when you visit a place of natural beauty such as the spectacular Colca canyon in southern Peru that you would not need to paint a sign on the side of a rock telling visitors not to pee on said rock. Then again, what is obvious to some is not necessarily obvious to others. And, if you have to deal with over 120,000 visitors annually, […]

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PotD: Condor at Colca Canyon

Sony A7RII : f/7.1@2000th : ISO 200 : EV -0.7 : FE 90mm f/2.8 The tour bus from Arequipa to Colca canyon left at 3am and somehow I ended up on it. I hadn’t been on a guided tour since the first week of my journey when it was the only way to make it onto the Perito Moreno glacier in Patagonia. That had turned out to be an excellent tour and, even though I had actively avoided going to […]

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