Reality Check

Fuji X100S : f/2.8@320th : ISO 200 : EV 0.0 

An early morning walk into town, before the sun has had time to burn off the condensation on Musiikkitalo’s glass facade, has me coming face to face with a bird in flight’s sudden reality check. The ephemeral beauty of the imprint leads to thoughts on the transitory nature of existence, the fine line separating one breath from the next, hoping that this particular moment is just a temporary shift in perspective. I reckon it was just a gentle kiss against the glass and the bird flew off, a little wiser, to live another day.

This is another image from back in the day (2014), rediscovered now that I have finally got my master catalogue up and running. I’m enjoying finding these little gems again, working on them anew with a fresh perspective, and a few layers all within Capture One.

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