Journey with Myself: Scapes
Solo South America
Journey with Myself: Scapes
Although I call myself a professional photographer, I’m not going to claim to being a professional landscape artist. These photographers spend a lot of time planning their expeditions, if necessary setting off on long treks in the dead of night to arrive in plenty of time for the perfect moment, possibly coming back again at a later date to improve on their earlier efforts. Respect! My efforts here are unplanned moments of serendipity as I traversed haphazardly across South America from one place to another. Often the subject matter made me stop in my tracks, sometimes the light was okay and usually the framing was pretty good. Bottom line, the thing about scapes is that it’s all about the light, unless you’re just looking to capture some memories or bore your unsuspecting friends with your holiday snaps. These ones here will see me into my old age nicely and I hope you’re not too bored.
If you’d like a bit more info on some of these images, several of them have appeared with accompanying text in the Journal posts under the Solo South America category.