Journey with Myself: Travelogue I
Solo South America
Journey with Myself: Travelogue I
I was born in Buenos Aires, spent much of my early childhood in Lima and was 17 years old when I was last there. With the milestone / millstone of my 50th birthday fast approaching, I hatched a plan to return to South America and travel by myself around parts of Argentina, Chile, Bolivia and Peru. My kids were old enough to almost fend for themselves and I am fortunate to have an extremely wise wife. She hardly blinked as I set off on a 50 day expedition, plus 10 extra days for good behaviour. Personally, looking back through these images triggers many great memories of the people I met and the places I passed through along the way, all too briefly. Most importantly, what I learnt about myself is that I am definitely not a lone wolf, considering that my overriding emotional state as I pinballed through South America was wondering what the hell was I doing on the other side of the world away from those that I love and that love me. A lesson well learnt. I told you she is wise.
To not overwhelm you with hundreds of images, I have separated the project into four galleries, with this one of Argentina and Chile being the first solely for the reason that this text needs to start somewhere. Wandering around with a camera, with no particular destination in mind and no brief to fulfil, can lead to a rather eclectic collection. Nothing wrong with that, often it’s enough just to have a gorgeous mix of light and colour, with the occasional something special thrown in. In my professional work, every last detail is taken into consideration so I’m happy with the luxury of life’s randomness that this journey has allowed. I hope you enjoy the experience. I certainly did!
If you’d like a bit more info on some of these images, several of them appear with accompanying text in the Journal posts under the Solo South America category.